It’s about that time again. One month from now, on November 1st, 2016, the second book in the Hearts of Valentia saga drops! I was all set to share a teaser on social media today, but it occurred to me I haven’t shown anyone the cover yet. Seeing as we’re so close to release day, I should probably remedy that, eh? :) [Read more…]
Cover Reveal! The Ghost Rebellion by Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine
You guys, this is something pretty awesome. It’s not often that I do cover reveals for other people on this blog, but today I get to share something I’m really excited about!
Last year, I was approached by Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine asking if I’d be up to the challenge of creating a cover for the next book in The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series. The first four books were all traditionally published, but book 5 was going to be funded by a Kickstarter. It took me all of two seconds to answer with a resounding YES, but I knew going in the bar was set very high. Could I create a cover on par with Big 5 resources? Just little ole me sitting here in my house by myself? Was it a thing I could actually do, and do successfully?
It’s Story Time! Ride the Wind is Taking Flight!
So, The Chronicles of ISLE, Book 1: Spark is out in the world now (did I forget to mention that here? Whoops. Author fail.) Not only is it live on Amazon, but it’s absolutely a part of the Kindle Unlimited program for those of you who subscribe to that service:
Note: if you haven’t read the Evolution series, it’s highly recommended you do so before beginning this book. You’ll be able to follow the story fine, but there is so much more to understand about this world that you can only learn in detail from the first trilogy!
Also note: this story is NOT for children. Adult situations and mature language are contained therein. (Hence the S. A. Huchton label.)
But now on to today’s news!
The Night Bridge: Cover Reveal and Preorder Information

Greetings and salutations! It’s been a super busy year for me, and we’re finally past the halfway mark! I hope everyone’s having a great summer and getting a ton of reading done.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been over a year and a half since I started on the road this story led me down. Lots of other projects made their way into the world first, and it sort of got shuffled away in lieu of superheroes and fairy tales. As my last two releases have both been Contemporary, I am happy to report my return to steamy speculative fiction! That said, for those of you under a certain age, or who aren’t keen to read fiction with adult themes, hang tight. I’ll be back in November with another Flipped Fairy Tale, so I hope to see you all then. :)
The SFR Brigade’s Summer Cafe – Weird Science!
Welcome to the SFR Brigade’s Summer Cafe! I’ll be one of your hosts for this week’s little blog hop, so please feel free to seat yourself wherever you like, and today’s special will be delivered to you shortly. If you’d instead like to peruse the menu, simply click the banner above and the full list of offerings will be on display. Alternatively, you’ll find the other items listed at the end of this post. Do scroll down to the bottom, however, as there is a special giveaway for those who make it through this course of the meal! [Read more…]
The Evolution of a Book Cover
One great thing about being an indie author is flexibility when it comes to a book cover, and the ability to change it fast when a problem comes up. Today, I’m going to show you the cover for my next release, but I’m also going to show you some of the less tidy bumps in the road I hit on the way to the finished product. I thought folks might like an inside look at this process, and I promise it’ll be faster for you than it was for me. ;)
The Big, Scary Book is Revealed!
So here’s my news. This went out in my newsletter yesterday, as those folks get all the book info first (if you want to be one of those people, you should subscribe here). I’m sharing it now with the rest of the world, as I’m fairly sure anyone who was going to read that has read it by now. Ready? Here goes…
Cover Reveal: INTO THE FIRE by Michele G. Miller
Cover Reveal: Unless You Can Be a Unicorn
Today, I happily hand over the blog spotlight to Ms. Delphina Henley. She has an announcement and is incredibly excited to share!
Unless You Can Be A Unicorn Cover Reveal [Read more…]
Cover Reveal: The Escape by Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons
Happy Monday! I’ve got a new shiny to show you!